
Paystone Enhances Developer Productivity and Gains Actionable Insights with Augment Code's Codebase Aware AI

Discover how Paystone boosted development efficiency, addressed code privacy concerns, and gained valuable data metrics by adopting Augment Code's AI assistant.

The Challenge

Paystone, a leader in Loyalty, Reputation Marketing and Payment solutions, was looking to enhance developer productivity with AI coding assistants. Their diverse tech stack of many languages (PHP, TypeScript, JavaScript) and a large codebase was challenging for new team members.  Relying on generic AI code assistants that lacked the context on the codebase often led to inaccurate suggestions.  

"For actual code with exactitude, ChatGPT wasn't that great for me... It was okay for general purpose, but when I tried to do something real, it's not there yet," said Philippe Daniel Brin, Tech Lead at Paystone.

Why Augment?

Paystone discovered Augment Code through industry research and was intrigued by its unique offerings:

  • Context-Aware Code Suggestions: Augment understands Paystone's specific codebase, providing accurate and relevant code completions tailored to their projects.
    "Augment is purpose-built for code using my code... it’s as close as possible to what it should be" Philippe mentioned.
  • Enhanced Code Privacy and Security: Augment's commitment to code privacy alleviated concerns about exposing proprietary code. "The aspect of code privacy and saying your code will not make it out there to the public space... that was something that we cared about" explained Paul Dysko, VP of Engineering at Paystone.
  • Actionable Data Metrics: Augment provides valuable insights into AI usage and its impact on productivity. "What I really liked about Augment is being able to get the data behind how the AI copilot is influencing code completion when the developers are engaging with it" Paul shared.
  • Direct Collaboration and Support: Paystone valued the close partnership and responsive communication with Augment's team. "We have an open Slack channel with the Augment team, and everyone is incredibly responsive and helpful. The cooperation between the two companies is very great"  Philippe noted.

The Results

Implementing Augment led to significant benefits for Paystone's development team:

  • Increased Developer Productivity: Developers saved time on tedious tasks, allowing them to focus on more valuable work. "I just saved time doing something boring... It was the first time that I saw a tool working for me without me having to struggle with it" Philippe observed.
  • Accurate and Relevant Code Suggestions: Augment's context-aware suggestions reduced errors and improved code quality. "The code was accurate, it was good, it was straightforward" he said.
  • Valuable Insights for Management: Augment's data metrics helped management understand AI's impact on productivity and build a solid business case. "In some instances, Augment is writing two lines of code for every one line of code written by my developer... that is a very interesting metric" Paul explained.

About Paystone

Paystone is a comprehensive software platform that combines payment processing, gift card services, and customer loyalty programs. It is designed to support business growth with each transaction. Paystone enables businesses to process payments in various settings, including in-person, online, and mobile environments

Industry: Financial Services, Payment Processing

Location: Ontario, Canada

Employees: 190

Languages, Frameworks, Libraries: PHP, Typescript, React 

IDE: VS Code, IntelliJ

Molisha Shah

GTM and Customer Champion

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